2020, Number 3
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MEDICC Review 2020; 22 (3)
Biomodulina T May Restore Immunity in Older Adults
Suárez-Formigo GM, Saavedra-Hernández D
Language: English
References: 22
Page: 54-56
PDF size: 70.45 Kb.
Worldwide, there has been a progressive demographic shift over
the past 50 years resulting in a larger proportion of older adults
in the general population. Aging itself is a complex biological phenomenon
characterized in part by changes in the immune system
known as “immunosenescence”, which makes older adults more
susceptible to infectious, cardiovascular and autoimmune diseases,
as well as cancers. Several strategies have been proposed in an
attempt to reverse immunosenescence, including use of hormones,
cytokines and thymic factors. A promising drug in the search to
restore the thymic microenvironment (which plays an important role
in the regulation and maintenance of the immune system) in older
adults is Biomodulina T, a Cuban product registered for use in patients
with recurrent respiratory infections. The administration of
Biomodulina T increases the number of virgin T-lymphocyte, CD4-
positive cells that have recently migrated from the thymus gland
(recent thymic emigrants) and memory CD8-positive T-lymphocytes,
which have characteristics akin to stem cells (stem cell-like
memory). Furthermore, the expression of programmed cell death
in CD4-Positive T-lymphocytes and CD8-Positive T-lymphocytes
decreases, and the proliferative capacity of CD4-Positive T-lymphocytes
increases, without changes in the frequency of regulatory
T-lymphocytes. These results suggest that the administration
of Biomodulina T could be used to restore immunity in older adults
and in other immunocompromised individuals, improve response
to other immunotherapies in cancer patients, and increase the effi
cacy of vaccinations in older adults.
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