2004, Number 5
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2004; 42 (5)
Student Questionnaire to Evaluate Basic Medical Science Teaching (METEQ-B)
Valle R, Alaminos I, Contreras E, Salas LE, Tomasini P, Varela M
Language: English
References: 39
Page: 405-411
PDF size: 155.27 Kb.
Objectives: our aims were to design a student questionnaire to evaluate professorial teaching abilities based on a definition of quality teaching of basic medical sciences and to identify its underlying dimensions to perform an evaluation of the teaching of basic medical sciences at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) School of Medicine as part of this institution’s Teaching Evaluation Project.
Subjects: a total of 6598 questionnaires were answered by 6239 students who evaluated 327 teachers.
Material and methods: the questionnaire was applied during the normal-class schedule during the 1995-1996 academic year. Professors under evaluation were not present at the time evaluation took place.
Results: three factors were defined that according to their content were denominated as teaching strategies, learning evaluation, ethics, and responsibility.
Conclusions: certain similarities were found between content of items included in this questionnaire and those used in other studies; however, the questionnaire also comprised the skills and abilities that a teacher should instill in their students to achieve? the graduate proestablished by the current curriculum of the UNAM School of Medicine.
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