2022, Number 03
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2022; 90 (03)
Infraumbilical transverse incision in a pregnant woman with morbid obesity: A case report
Salvent-Tames A, Romero-Viamonte K
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 287-293
PDF size: 194.36 Kb.
Background: Overweight and obesity are increasing every day mainly in low- and middle-income countries. Obesity in pregnancy increases the risk of complications, including surgical site infection.
Objective: To document the application of a surgical technique adapted for cesarean delivery of a pregnant woman with morbid obesity in a hospital in Ecuador, carried out to reduce the infection of the surgical site.
Clinical case: a 43-year-old pregnant patient who came to the hospital due to decreased fetal movements accompanied by contraction-type abdominal pain of moderate intensity. Based on the tests performed, a 35.1-week twin pregnancy + uncompensated gestational diabetes + threat of preterm birth + morbid obesity + elderly mother + pre-eclampsia with signs of severity + HELLP syndrome + high obstetric risk was diagnosed. Due to the characteristics of the patient, it was decided to perform an infraumbilical transverse incision.
Conclusions: the technique used can be an effective alternative in obese patients to reduce the infection of the surgical site; Compliance with aseptic measures and preoperative antibiotic prophylaxis should also be taken into consideration.
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