2020, Number 2
Bringing Cuban Biotech Research to bear on COVID-19: all hands and minds on deck
Castellanos-Serra L
Language: English
References: 0
Page: 31-37
PDF size: 191.82 Kb.
Text Extraction
This MEDICC Review roundtable gathers some of Cuba’s top researchers in the fi elds of vaccines and biotechnology, all of whom work in institutions belonging to BioCubaFarma, the umbrella company of Cuban biotech and pharmaceutical R&D, production, distribution and export. Founded in 2012, the company is comprised of 34 enterprises with 61 lines of production and some 20,000 employees. A total of 765 of its products are registered in 53 countries and exported to another 50. Its scientists’ research has resulted in 2640 patents in Cuba and globally.