2020, Number 4
Psychotropic drug consumption: a current health problem
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 826-832
PDF size: 328.69 Kb.
Psychotropic drugs are frequently consumed by the population; their irrational use threatens the quality of life of patients who take them regularly without medical supervision. The objective of this research is to characterize the consumption of psychotropic drugs in a Basic Work Group from the health area of ‟Martha Abreu de Estevez” University Teaching Polyclinic. These drugs are often taken for self-medication, prescribed for complacency, and although they have a precise medical indication, sometimes the established norms for their correct use are not met. Ages between 50 and 64 years and female gender predominated among the epidemiological variables. Lower blood pressure and alleviate family and work problems were the main causes of consumption. We concluded that there was a high rate of self-medicated use of psychotropic drugs; the interviewees had access to them through unconventional ways, not related to the health system.REFERENCES
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