2020, Number 3
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Invest Medicoquir 2020; 12 (3)
Theoretical bases of scientific research in clinical practice of nursing
Simón LY, Viñas GE, González BMS
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 328.15 Kb.
Scientific research develops the knowledge that guides and supports the practice of each profession. It allows to obtain information and generate knowledge necessary to make decisions and solve problems of clinical nursing practice in the work context and at the same time make visible the humanistic and autonomous character of professional practice. The process of developing scientific research of nurses, allows the identification of possible scientific problems to investigate and their clinical knowledge, backed by a set of theories and models. A bibliographic review was carried out with the objective of demonstrating the theoretical basis of scientific research in the Nursing Clinical Practice. This study allowed us to show that the reflexive thinking proposed by the theorists allows a transition towards a higher phase with a greater capacity to solve the problems of the profession through scientific research.
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