2020, Number 3
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Invest Medicoquir 2020; 12 (3)
Myositisassociated to dengue virus infection
Alvaré ALE, Porta DM, Salvato DA, Melo VM, Lobato PD, González CI
Language: Spanish
References: 11
PDF size: 150.46 Kb.
The case of a seven-year-old schoolgirl, resident in the Lisa municipality, Havana province, with a clinical picture that presented with fever up to 39 ° C, rash, general discomfort and myalgias, which was the most common clinical manifestation, is presented. important, eventually developing a myositise between the fourth and fifth day of the disease, with CPK values of 4177 μ / L (VN 0-190 μ / L). Given the current clinical picture and epidemiology of the province, a serological study for dengue was carried out, which was positive. Timely symptomatic treatment, absolute rest and adequate hydration allowed the patient to recover, without other major complications.
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