2022, Number 2
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Acta Med 2022; 20 (2)
Effect on the emotional health of health personnel in a Private Tertiary Hospital facing the COVID-19 pandemic
Secín DR, Martínez MMA, Ramírez GA, Pérez GB
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 137-144
PDF size: 193.10 Kb.
Natural phenomena that alter health and threaten life can cause a psychosocial disturbance that exceeds the population's coping capacity. In 2020 in the Coronavirus pandemic, a study in China in 1,257 health workers reported depression 50.4%, anxiety 44.6%, insomnia 34.0%, and distress 71.5%. We studied the presence of depression, anxiety, alcohol consumption, burnout, and suicidal risk during the pandemic in personnel of "Hospital Angeles Pedregal". Longitudinal, observational, voluntary, anonymous study in assigned physicians, residents, undergraduate interns, nurses, administrative and quartermaster personnel. We evaluated 190 people, with the Beck scale of Depression, Anxiety, Maslach questionnaire, CAGE, and Plutchick in April and June; whoever requested it received treatment. 26.3% were men, 73.6% were women. 40% were administrative personnel, 28.9% nursing, and 18.9% resident doctors. 11.5% had depression, 11.0% anxiety disorder, suicide risk 11% April, and 3% June. None had burnout. 2% harmful alcohol consumption. It is the first report in hospital personnel with this format. An important number presented depression and suicide risk, which was identified and treated early, which was solved. The study shows the importance of timely care protocols in the affective sphere at the institutional level.
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