2021, Number 34
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INFODIR 2021; 17 (34)
Tabaquism and the pandemic of Coronavirus in Cuba
Suárez LN
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 450.54 Kb.
Introduction: The coronavirus is a pandemic that affects all countries, according
to their particular characteristics, their degree of development and the capacity
of health systems to respond. Smoking is also another pandemic, and its
international consequences led to the promulgation of the Framework Convention
for Tobacco Control, by the World Health Organization, as the first international
treaty on public health.
Objective: Analyze the coexistence of the coronavirus pandemics and smoking in
the Cuban context in 2020.
Development: Through the documentary and bibliographic review and content
analysis of the literature on the subject on the Internet, together with the results
of other investigations that have been carried out on smoking in Cuba, it was
considered that cigarette consumption should show changes; anxiety and stress
from the coronavirus. They can produce its increase; income and cross elasticity,
meanwhile, lead to less money available for the purchase of cigarettes;
Therefore, it is necessary to facilitate the options of cessation and take as an
opportunity the interest of the population in matters of prevention and health
promotion to increase the perception of risk about the harmfulness of smoking.
Conclusions: Smoking and coronavirus are pandemics that affect individuals
without distinction of sex, age, skin color, socioeconomic status and geographical
area. The coronavirus pandemic must be seen as an opportunity to combat and
prevent smoking and the strength shown by the Health System also allows it to be
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