2021, Number 34
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INFODIR 2021; 17 (34)
The coronavirus pandemic validating the application of social marketing to health
Suárez LN
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 460.98 Kb.
Introduction: The coronavirus is a pandemic that affects almost all countries. It began its spread in late 2019, with a sequel of morbidity, mortality and consequences of great significance worldwide, which transcend the social, psychological and economic factors. Marketing, in its social approach, is a tool to be applied in the solution of public health problems that require assuming or modifying behaviors of individuals and social groups.
Objective: To analyze the strategy used in the Cuban context and its similarity with the conceptual categories of marketing in its social approach.
Development: A documental and bibliographical revision of literature was carried out on the subject in Internet and the analysis of its content.
Results: Strategies for the prevention and control of Covid-19's pandemic approach in their design, structure and actions, in Cuba and worldwide, to the conceptual base in which marketing is sustained, in its social approach and to the health projects in which it has been put into practice in different moments and countries.
Conclusions: The evaluation of the results that have been obtained to position the required behavior to avoiding the diffusion of coronavirus, its prevention and control, can be very useful to validate the use of marketing in its social approach and to propitiate its application in the solution of current problems faced by public health in Cuba and in the region.
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