2021, Number 34
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INFODIR 2021; 17 (34)
The research activates an efficient sanitary technology in the fight against the COVID-19
Suárez IL, Rodríguez RSL, Martínez BI, Muñoz PIT
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 372.32 Kb.
Introduction: COVID-19 is the infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, and causes a variable clinical picture. Primary health care in Cuba, its continuous improvement, incorporates the application of the active research method in a permanent and systematic way for the identification and opportune solution of the population's health problems. The active research to detect possible cases of COVID-19, is an essential step indicated by the Cuban health authorities in order to prevent in time the propagation of this pandemic caused by the coronavirus Sars-Cov-2.
Objective: To demonstrate the importance of active research as an effective health technology in the fight against COVID-19 in Cuba.
Development: The active research, defined as the diagnostic actions tending to identify the state of individual health in population groups, with the purpose of establishing the existing risk factors and discovering early the hidden morbidity. The active research has been in Cuba one of the most important sanitary technologies used in the confrontation to the new coronavirus, since it reaches millions of people daily. The detection of the first cases in Cuba has deployed an intense campaign of confrontation to the disease that includes, in a systemic way, all the sectors of Cuban society.
Conclusions: The active research in Cuba is one of the effective sanitary technologies in the confrontation and control of COVID-19 in Cuba, which allows decreasing the disease's morbimortality.
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