2021, Number 1
Effectiveness of an educational intervention to modify knowledge about lifestyles in hypertensive patients
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 149-166
PDF size: 177.32 Kb.
Background: hypertension is a highly prevalent disease worldwide, often with serious consequences for the live of people who suffer from it.Objective: to assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention program to modify knowledge about healthy lifestyles in hypertensive patients.
Methods: an action research was carried out in the family doctor's office 17-5 of the "Chiqui Gómez-Lubián" University Polyclinic of Santa Clara, Villa Clara, from January toMarch 2020. Theoretical methods were used: analysis-synthesis, induction- deduction and historical-logical; empirical ones: documentary analysis and survey in the form of a questionnaire to patients before and after applying the program; to assess its effectiveness, a statistical analysis was carried out.
Results: the applied diagnosis showed that most of the patients had ignorance about their disease and healthy lifestyles related to drug benefits to control hypertension, nutritional education, ingestion of alcoholic beverages, smoking, physical exercises, stress, obesity and coffee intake, for which an educational intervention program was applied that was assessed by specialists.
Conclusions: its effectiveness was evidenced because knowledge about the disease and inappropriate lifestyle practices of the sampled patients were significantly modified.
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