2022, Number 1
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Rev Odotopediatr Latinoam 2022; 12 (1)
Causes of lower premolar impaction in pediatric patients. Case series
Hirschhaut M, Acosta CMG, Rodríguez JA, Rodríguez H
Language: Spanish
References: 34
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Impacted teeth are frequently observed in clinical practice. However, the presence of impacted premolars is a rarely reported dental anomaly. It is known of a genetic relationship between the presence of several dental anomalies in the same patient as well as in the same family. Among the anomalies associated with lower premolar impactions are palatal impacted cuspids and upper lateral incisors with alteration in shape or number. This investigation aimed to describe the causes associated with lower premolar impaction through a series of 6 cases, between 11 and 15 years of age. The results found suggest the causes associated with the impaction of lower premolars were prolonged retention of primary teeth, altered eruptive pattern, presence of supernumeraries, premature loss of primary teeth and delayed eruption associated with hormonal factors. It is concluded that the presence of premolar impaction points to an association of several causes that converge, observing not only one but several dental anomalies.
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