2022, Number 41
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Inv Ed Med 2022; 11 (41)
Difference between two modalities of educational materials for an online course
Yépez RD, Montealegre RPA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 53-60
PDF size: 500.10 Kb.
Introduction: The implementation of a course in online
mode requires an Internet connection and the appropriate
technical conditions. Bringing a course for updating
purposes in this modality to health personnel who, due
to their geographical location, do not have access to the
network, requires educators to make adaptations to the
instructional framework to achieve a successful implementation.
Objective: Describe the outcome of an online course
implemented under two modalities regarding the provision
of educational material in an online learning management
Method: Study with a descriptive cross-sectional design,
which was carried out from September to November 2019,
a period in which an online course was implemented in
an open-source learning management system using two
modes of educational material design, one fully online and
the other with downloadable materials. 3,717 health workers
from a public health institution in Mexico participated.
Descriptive statistics were used for data analysis using
the Excel 2010 program.
Results: Of the total sample, 64% were women, the terminal
efficiency in the online version was 43.9%, while in
the group with downloadable materials it was 41.4%. Of
the students who did not pass, more than two thirds did
not enter the educational platform. Regarding satisfaction,
the areas most affected were technical aspects (on the
platform) and lack of time to read the material.
Conclusions: The way in which the educational material
is presented in an online course, the time required to read
it and the clarity of the instructions within the educational
platform are determining factors for better terminal efficiency.
The role of the online tutor is significant to accompany
the participants to promote the completion of
the course. It is necessary to improve the instrument to
evaluate student satisfaction, as well as to reinforce the
means of dissemination and awareness of the importance
of updating health personnel for professional practice.
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