2020, Number 2
CorSalud 2020; 12 (2)
Comments apropos of the article 'In-hospital cardiorespiratory arrest: a current challenge'
López LSE
Language: Spanish
References: 5
Page: 242-243
PDF size: 168.69 Kb.
Text Extraction
To the Editor:I read with great interest the article entitled: “In-hospital cardiorespiratory arrest: a current challenge”1, published in the last issue of this journal and I must confess that I absolutely agree with its authors. As a matter of fact, a couple of months ago, I brought up a paper related to cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation in pregnant women2.
I feel moved to express my thoughts regarding a medical fact of public domain3 and elaborate on some key aspects, especially when dealing with this kind of patients.
Sosa Acosta LA, Carmona Pentón CR, Plaín Pazos C, Aguiar Mota CA, Rodríguez Herrera E, Gómez Acosta EC. Paro cardiorrespiratorio hospitalario: un desafío en la actualidad. CorSalud [Internet]. 2020 [citado 9/05/2020];12(1):114-6. Disponible en: http://www.revcorsalud.sld.cu/index.php/cors/article/view/426/1125