2021, Number 1
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Correo Científico Médico 2021; 25 (1)
Neonatal morbidity in the Ecuadorian Amazon: epidemiological characterization in the Puyo General Hospital, Ecuador
Vinueza VAF, Vallejo AKC, Sinche RAV, Montero LIL, Vinueza VMF
Language: Spanish
References: 30
PDF size: 284.66 Kb.
Introduction: Neonatal morbidity constitutes a public health problem in developing countries like Ecuador. Until this moment, there is little information regarding neonatal morbidity in hospitals from the Ecuadorian Amazon.
Objective: To elaborate the epidemiological characterization of the main morbidity causes in the Neonatology Care Unit of Puyo General Hospital (PGH), from January 2017 to October 2018.
Methods: An observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study that included a total of 828 neonates hospitalized in PGH was carried out.
Results: The sample was mostly composed by male infants (54%), with a mean gestational age (standard deviation) of 38.30 (2.80) weeks and a mean weight of 2929.20 (680.20) g. Most of the infants were born at term (86.35%) and had an adequate birth weight (71.62%). The most frequent causes of neonatal morbidity were hyperbilirubinemia (55.56%), birth trauma (11.23%), neonatal depression (10.14%), hypoglycemia (6.40%) and type 1 respiratory distress syndrome (6.04%).
When differences in gestational age and birth weight were considered, respiratory tract infection, type 2 respiratory distress and sepsis were also observed. The most frequent pathologies in term infants were hiperbilirrubinemia (58.74%), birth trauma (12.45%), neonatal depression (10.35%), respiratory tract infection (5.17%) and hypoglycemia (5.03%).
Conclusions: The first cause of morbidity in PGH was hyperbilirubinemia and the second one was birth trauma. The frequency of neonatal pathologies varies according to the gestational age and birth weight of the infants.
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