2021, Number 1
Anthropometry of the outer ear in hypoacusic children
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-16
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Introduction: Anthropometry of the outer ear is important in patients with some hearing deficit and for aesthetic and medical legal evaluations.Objective: To characterize the anthropometric indicators of the outer ear in hypoacusic children attended at the Hearing Center of Holguín province, Cuba.
Methods: A case series investigation was conducted during the period Septe mber 2015 2016, when the object of study were anthropometric indicators of the outer ear and the subject of study, hearing impaired children. The sample of 58 patients was selected by intentional sampling. For the anthropometry, digital photos were taken in a standardized way to the ears and the molds of the outer acoustic meatus, from which the desired measurements were made in the ImageJ software.
Results: Differences were obtained in the mean of anthropometric indicators between the sexes, greater in m ales, an asymmetry of less than 1mm, greater on the right side, an increase in relation to age and greater in severe hypoacusis. The Student t test was applied for a p≤0,05 and it was found that the differences in the indicators of the right ear and its lo be, between sexes, were not statistically significant, except for the width of the lobe of the 6 8 year old group, with t of 2.2.
Conclusions: The dimensions of the outer ear are larger in males, except between 9 14 years, they increase in relation to age, there is an asymmetry of little difference, greater on the right side and they are similar to those referred to in children without hypoacusis.
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