2021, Number 1
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Rev Acta Médica 2021; 22 (1)
Choroid melanoma masked like phacomorphic glaucoma
López RR, Álvarez LD, González VP, Valencia BBR
Language: Spanish
References: 15
PDF size: 134.29 Kb.
Introduction: Intraocular tumors can induce secondary glaucoma through many
mechanisms. Uveal melanoma is the most common primary intraocular tumor in
adults. At least 40% develop liver metastases leading to death.
Objective: To guide the search for intraocular tumors as an etiological factor of
unilateral and refractory secondary glaucomas.
Case presentation: A 78-year-old, white-skinned male patient with a history of
Arterial Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, diabetic macroangiopathy and grade 1
obesity comes to a glaucoma consultation reporting having slow and progressive loss
of vision accompanied by intermittent red eye in his right eye. Vision is almost zero
and the intensity of pain is strongest in the morning. With the data of the
ophthalmological physical examination, a phacomorphic glaucoma is diagnosed. It was
decided to enter to compensate for ocular hypertension and subsequent surgical
treatment. During the operation and after the extraction of the lens, a dark brown or
brown intraocular mass was observed that protruded behind the iris at eleven o'clock
and towards the center of the visual axis, making us think of an unsuspected
intraocular tumor. A new surgical intervention is then proposed, enucleation of the
RE, with the prior consent of the patient. The diagnosis of melanotic melanoma is
corroborated by the pathological anatomy department.
Conclusions: uveal melanomas can mimic any form of secondary glaucoma, especially
those unilateral and refractory to medical treatment.
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