2021, Number 1
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Rev Acta Médica 2021; 22 (1)
Surgical management of a large type B choledochocele in an adult
Zamora SO, Licea VM, Escobar RI, Palacios MIU, Rodríguez AMÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 15
PDF size: 140.16 Kb.
Introduction: Choledochocele is a very rare variety of choledochal cyst. It is
the congenital dilation of the distal, intramural section of the bile duct. Being
rare in adults, it affects four times more women than men. Regarding it
genesis, the most widely accepted theory relates it to an anomalous union
between the bile and pancreatic ducts that causes pancreatic juice reflux into
the bile duct. Its management is currently endoscopic in most patients.
Objective: To present the surgical solution given to an adult diagnosed with a
large type B choledochocele impossible to be treated endoscopically.
Case presentation: 41-year-old female, previously cholecystectomized for
vesicular lithiasis, with abdominal pain in the epigastrium and right
hypochondrium of months of evolution. Imaging studies showed a large
saccular dilatation with stones, appearing in the second-third duodenal
section, with suspicion of choledochocele. Surgical resection was performed
by means of anterior duodenotomy, opening the mucosa of the posterior
duodenal wall and through choledochocele resection. The extrahepatic bile
duct was cannulated through Choledochotomy, in order to protect the
integrity of the distal bile duct. The patient evolved without complications.
Conclusions: In choledochocele that cannot be treated endoscopically,
especially large and with stones, the surgical management option is effective
and safe, while the integrity of the distal bile duct is preserved.
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