2021, Number 1
Diastematomielia de columna dorsal que se presenta con paraparesia y banda de hipoestesia dorsal D8-D9
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 128-133
PDF size: 394.76 Kb.
Introduction: Diastematomyelia is a rare form of occult spinal dysraphia that falls under complex dysgraphic conditions not associated with the subcutaneous mass. It consists of a sagittal split that divides the spinal cord into two hemimedules, each wrapped by its own pia mater and separated by a bone, cartilage or fibrous spur. It is observed in between five and 10% of the population and in most cases has a lumbar location.Case report: female patient with a diastematomyelia that manifests itself with symptoms of paraparesis and sensory disorder, with increased temperature in the right foot and a band of hypesthesia in D8-D9; she underwent a nuclear magnetic resonance that showed a lesion of dorsal diastematomyelia.
Conclusions: clinical assessment and the use of neuro-imaging are important to reach the diagnosis of this disease; nuclear magnetic resonance avoids late diagnosis.
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