2021, Number 1
Programa educativo sobre tabaquismo para estudiantes de primer año de la Carrera de Estomatología
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 105-114
PDF size: 336.33 Kb.
Introduction: Cuba is among the countries with the highest consumption of tobacco in the world, despite the measures adopted to combat it, the incidence of smoking among adolescents and young people is increasing. The main objective of Cuban Stomatology is prevention, so health education is an essential element in all its actions, mainly directed to those individuals who do not need healing treatment.Objectives: to diagnose the needs of knowledge about smoking in students, to design an educational program and to value it by specialists' criteria.
Methods: a study with a mixed approach, quantitative-qualitative, was conducted in the School of Stomatology of the Province of Villa Clara, between September 2016 and October 2017, with an intentional non-probabilistic sampling; different methods were used (survey, observation guide, key informants, documentary analysis, group techniques, and triangulation)
Results: the need to design health promotion actions was reported on a weekly basis, the variable with the lowest score was the level of knowledge about oral self-examination and the educational program "Smoking does not allow testing" was designed and approved by the criteria of specialists.
Conclusions: the diagnosis of students' level of knowledge about smoking was considered regular. The educational program designed was evaluated as acceptable by specialist criteria.
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