2020, Number 4
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Rev Acta Médica 2020; 21 (4)
Plastic and Restrictive Surgery in Figures at ''Hermanos Ameijeiras'' Clinical Surgical Hospital
Tamayo CAM, Gaitán GCA, Muñoz GUD, Rodríguez GR, Cuastumal FDK
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 631.83 Kb.
Introduction: Plastic surgery in Cuba reaches, every day, greater demand among the population. The Cuban health system offers plastic and reconstructive surgery services, for free and without discrimination. A summary is presented of the most demanded surgical procedures, regarding age group, gender and complications.
Objective: To synthesize the statistical information of the surgical activity in the plastic surgery service of Hermanos Ameijeiras Clinical-Surgery Hospital.
Methods: A descriptive, observational, retrospective, cross-sectional study was carried out with patients admitted to plastic surgery at the center for surgical procedures performed in the period from January 2016 to October 2019.
Results: Augmentation mastoplasty with implants was the most performed surgery (24%), followed by abdominoplasty (23.5%), and abdominal liposuction (15.7%) in third place, figures consistent with the statistical information that appears in the international literature. The female sex predominated, mainly at ages between 19 and 39 years, and with complications in the abdominal and gluteal region, each accounting for 43%.
Conclusions: The most performed surgeries were augmentation mastoplasties with implants, abdominoplasty and abdominal liposuction in young women. Complications, although rare, occurred in the most intervened regions.
Rodríguez Garcell RA; Historia de la Cirugía Plástica y Caumatologia en Cuba; files.sld.cu 2016;01(2):01-09.
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