2021, Number 279
Endodontic treatment alternative for periapical processes. Case report
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 1-5
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Introduction: Pulp vitality can be affected by different factors, those determine the necessity of unique or combined endodontic treatments. Case report: We report a case of a septic odontogenic process in an 11 year-old female patient who went to consultation for the reconstruction of the central upper incisors previously traumatized and unsatisfactory treated. A periapical cyst in the right central upper incisive (11) and a chronic dentoalveolar abscess in the left central upper incisive (21) were diagnosed, being this last treaty by conventional endodontic method. In the 11, the enucleation of the cyst, apiceptomy and retrograde obturation were performed, evolving both in a satisfactory way. Conclusion: The treatment performed constitutes a valid alternative in cases where the conventional endodontic techniques are limited for maintaining the dental functions (chewing, speaking and aesthetics) and the psychological integrity of the patients.REFERENCES
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