2022, Number 1
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Ortho-tips 2022; 18 (1)
The orthopedist woman
Fernández FM, Salcido RMV
Language: Spanish
References: 62
Page: 53-63
PDF size: 250.98 Kb.
The development of women in orthopedic surgery even in medicine has been complex, as many other activities seemed limited by force, however this lacks scientific support, the size of the hand is not correlated with the strength of the individual or with manual dexterity. Traumatologist Susana Alonso Güemes attached to the Ramon y Cajal Hospital in Madrid, with 20 years of specialty work, refers, "Traumatology is a matter of technique, skill and intelligence". The inclusion of women in the world of orthopedics seems to be relatively new, the first female orthopedist was Maud Forrester Brown in England in 1924, however in Mexico it was until 1961 that Dr Hayde Esparza Guevara studied the specialty and was officially recognized in 1974. Beyond a gloomy panorama, an evolutionary panorama of change can be observed, where women are gradually incorporated. The first reason for choosing an orthopedic career in a survey conducted by the Ruth Jackson Orthopedic Society Organization indicates that it is a taste for the combination of intellectual and manual activity, as well as professional satisfaction. The most frequent arguments invoked for not opting for it is the perception of not finding a balance between work and private life. Orthopedists are normal women with all the concerns and desires of all human beings in general and of all women in particular and above all they have the total capacity to choose, pursue and develop a professional career such as orthopedic surgery.
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