2021, Number 1
Analysis of the health situation of an urban population of the Cienfuegos municipality in 2020
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 198.10 Kb.
Introduction: canalysis of the health situation is one of the most important actions of the family doctor and constitutes a basic instrument in the family doctor and nurse’s offices.Objective: to describe the health situation of families belonging to the Family Medical Clinic 28 of the Health Area II of Cienfuegos.
Method: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the population of the Family Medical Clinic 28 of the Health Area II of Cienfuegos in the period between January and December 2020. The universe consisted of 250 families, made up of 669 patients. The selection of variables was carried out according to the methodological guide to prepare the analysis of the health situation.
Results: there was a predominance of the female sex (54,85 %) and the age group of 60 years and over (1,39 %). The Rosset Index was 24,66 %, the predominant dispensary group was group III (69,05 %). The main risk factor was sedentary lifestyle (50,07 %). Acute respiratory infections predominated with a rate of 14,48 per 100 inhabitants and arterial hypertension (237 patients) with rates of 35,42 per 100 inhabitants.
Conclusions: an urban community was identified, with an aging population where the female sex predominated. Sedentary lifestyle was found as the predominant risk factor in a population that was mostly dispensed in group III, with a high prevalence of hypertensive patients and a high incidence of acute respiratory infections.
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