2020, Number 2
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RSS 2020; 26 (2)
Influence of alcohol on penis erection
Puentes RY
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 186-197
PDF size: 198.22 Kb.
The influence of alcohol on human sexual response (HSR) has been widely discussed in the scientific literature. The paper reviews the pathophysiology of penile erection, the short, medium and long-term pharmacological effects of alcohol and how they affect the erection producing erectile dysfunction (ED). It also presents the epidemiology of the disorder in alcohol-dependent subjects and their etiology to present conclusions that are derived from the review carried out, which highlights the fact of the high prevalence of ED in alcohol-dependent subjects and the impact it has on self-esteem and quality of life of the man. The high social permissiveness in the face of alcohol consumption and the existing taboos around the request for help by men influence that ED is an underdiagnosed clinical entity.
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