2022, Number 1
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2022; 65 (1)
Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome: A Literature Review
Tuz CKN, Lizcano BAJ, Canche GJJ, Juárez SSD, Domínguez VCI, Barrios TJ
Language: Spanish
References: 63
Page: 47-58
PDF size: 351.69 Kb.
The delayed sleep phase syndrome (DSPS) is a neurological
dream disorder with a multifactorial etiology. It consists of a
change between the time of going to sleep and the time of
waking up, thus affecting the sleep-wake cycle. This disorder
affects people of all ages, nevertheless it has increased in
young people due to the use of blue-light emitting electronic
devices, such as cell phones, computers, tablets, and
others. The use of these short-length waves devices (430-
460 nm; blue light) stimulates the retina’s photoreceptive ganglionic
cells inducing the synthesis and secretion of melanopsin.
This will inhibit eventually the production and secretion
of melatonin, a sleep-inducing hormone produced by the pineal
gland. The prevalence of this syndrome is not well known
since it is an underestimated entity. Previous studies show
that 16% of the young population worldwide, suffers from
this clinical entity. The short and long-term consequences
of DSPS are: headaches, somnolence, fatigue, cognitive decline,
metabolic and immunologic dysregulation, as well as
mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, and bipolarity
disorder. Its diagnosis is made following standardized criteria
and using subjective tools such as the medical history and a
sleep diary. The treatment focuses on pharmacological and
non-pharmacological options, such as: melatonin administration,
behavioral therapies, and short-length wave blocking
devices. The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics
of DSPS and emit recommendations to diminish the
long-lasting use of blue light-emitting devices.
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