2020, Number 6
Analysis of scientific information issued in the ''Revista de Información Científica'' Journal, 2017-2019
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 1027.47 Kb.
Introduction: Bibliometric studies allow the evaluation of the metrics generated by a journal and the results obtained help to map strategies for measuring the evolution of the scientific field.Objective: To characterize the scientific production generated by the Revista Información Científica Journal.
Material and Methods: An observational, descriptive and bibliometric-type study was conducted using the articles published in the Revista Información Científica online Journal in the period from 2017 to 2019. A search was carried out in Google Scholar; h-index indicators were calculated using the Harzing’s Publish or Perish software. Data normalization was achieved using Zotero reference manager. Gender-focused analysis was carried out to identify authorship. VOSviewer software was used to analyze co-authorship networks.
Results: A total of 324 articles, with a variation rate of -54.32%, were published. Also, 57.47% of the scientific content consisted of original articles. A total of 1,297 authors, with a predominance of women (68.47%) and 121 signatory institutions, were reported. Foreign authors represented 3.01% of the total; of them, 23.7% were from Ecuador. On the other hand, 15.81% of the authors belonged to the specialty of Internal Medicine. A total of 5,400 bibliographical references were used; 55.28% of them were articles written by foreign authors. In this period of time, the journal was cited 373 times. Co-authorship network was identified in the publication.
Conclusions: Quality key indicators were used and improved in the Revista Información Científica Journal. The main negative aspect found was the predominance of signatory institutions from Guantanamo. Bibliometric characterization of journals allows to realize strategic factors that can be used in future policies.
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