2020, Number 6
Course of Intercultural Communicative Competence through English in Postgraduate Medical Education
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 624.21 Kb.
Introduction: The design of a course for the development of intercultural communicative competence (ICC) through English in Postgraduate Medical Education is presented.Objective: To assess the design of the course taking into account the principles of the historical, cultural and communicative approaches on which it is based.
Material and Methods: The population and sample varies according to the objectives and methods used. Key informants were consulted (one specialist and one postgraduate director, postgraduate teachers and health professionals who have fulfilled missions in English-speaking countries). Empirical inquiries were made through in-depth interviews, surveys, performance observation and documentary reviews. For the interpretation of results, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction were used.
Results: The relevance of the selected aspects as the theoretical foundation of the course, objectives, contents and methodology, particularly the teaching tasks that stimulate the significant learning of the participants are shown. ICC development indicators that were essential for content determination are provided.
Conclusions: The course design related to Intercultural Communicative Competence through English in Postgraduate Medical Education reveals a logical relationship between its theoretical foundation and all its didactic components, highlighting the importance of the demands of teaching tasks and their potential to develop Intercultural Communicative Competence and respond to identified learning needs.
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