2020, Number 4
Endosoft: a tool for learning from pulp and periapical diseases
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 750.65 Kb.
Introduction: The use of the educational software is a motivating alternative in different teaching scenarios.Objective: To validate the educational software related to the diagnosis and treatment of pulp and periapical diseases for its generalization in dental students.
Material and Methods: A study linked with technological innovation or digital finished product was conducted during the period between March 2018 and March 2019. The tool used was Mediator v9.0. Theoretical methods such as historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, and systemic-structural were used; empirical methods, which included the documentary review and a survey, were applied to students and experts as external evaluators of the product. The methods of Expert Judgment and Customer Judgment were used to evaluate the feasibility of the software. The main variables evaluated were the design of software sections, its functionality, scientific content, relationship between the images and the objective of the software and its use in the teaching-learning process.
Results: The product obtained is a basic text with hyperlinks to access the rest of the components, image galleries and self-evaluation exercises. According to Expert Judgment, the technical quality of the software and the quality of its content were evaluated as good. According to Customer Judgment, the functionality, self-motivation and design aspects were evaluated as optimal.
Conclusions: An educational software with various resources for learning about the topic approached was developed.
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