2022, Number 1
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Rev Salud Publica Nutr 2022; 21 (1)
Validation of educational materials on healthy eating in southern Yucatán
Canul TNM, Barradas CMR, Lendechy GÁC, Pavía CEF
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 19-27
PDF size: 243.28 Kb.
Introduction: The change in the selection of foods, preferably industrialized and / or hypercaloric, contributes to health
problems. Hence the importance of implementing validated teaching materials as a strategy for health promotion.
"To validate two teaching materials in the southern population of Yucatán to improve the promotion of healthy eating."
Material and method: Mixed cross-sectional study, with a convenience sample of 112 people aged 18-60 years. The research
was carried out in the following stages: Preproduction, Elaboration and Validation, the latter was divided into three phases:
1. Technical validation, with the participation of nutritionists; 2. Pilot test, carried out with people with characteristics similar
to the target population and 3. Validation with the target population. The variables studied were: attractiveness,
understanding, identification, acceptance and induction to action. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was applied to assess the
reliability and validity of the instrument.
Results: The flip chart showed acceptable reliability (α = 0.761) and the flannel board
a good reliability (α = 0.832). the variables with the greatest need for improvement were: understanding, acceptance and
identification in both teaching materials.
Conclusions: The materials are statistically reliable, although they can be improved
by taking into account the variables, understanding, acceptance and identification.
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