2020, Number 3
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2020; 19 (3)
Psychometric Properties of the HIV Risk Perception Scale in a Sample of Chilean Adolescents, 2018
Herrera GF, Jorquera GR
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 756.89 Kb.
Risk perception is an important predictor of the risk of HIV infection. Considering the shortage of studies aimed at assessing the validity and reliability of scales that measure this construct, it is necessary to advance in the validation of this type of instruments.
To describe the psychometric characteristics of the HIV Risk Perception Scale.
Material and Method:
The cross-sectional study was carried out in a sample of 394 Chilean adolescents. The data analysis techniques used were Cronbach's alpha to assess reliability, and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis to establish the construct validity of the scale.
The reliability of the instrument was adequate, observing a Cronbach´s alpha statistician of 0,77. The exploratory factor analysis shows the emergence of a factor that explains 59.52% of the variance. On the other hand, the confirmatory factor analysis is favorable showing an adequate goodness of fit (Chi2=5,126, gl=2, p=,077).
The Lauby, Bond, Eroglu, and Batson HIV Risk Perception Scale proves to be valid and reliable for measuring HIV risk perception in Chilean adolescents, which is why it is concluded regarding the adequacy of this instrument to be used for diagnostic and research purposes.
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