2020, Number 1
Battery of psychological tests to identify risk of initiation into the systematic drug use
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 29-47
PDF size: 353.39 Kb.
Introduction: Adolescence constitutes a vulnerable period for the appearance of risk behaviors, among which is the initiation into the systematic drug use.Objective: Develop a battery of psychological tests to identify risk of initiation into the systematic use of alcohol and other drugs by adolescents.
Methods: A technological development study was carried out aimed at the elaboration and validation of a battery of psychological tests useful to identify risk for the initiation into systematic drug use by adolescents. 10 experts in related topics, and 110 adolescents were selected who participated in a pilot study conducted in the academic year 2018-2019.
Results: A battery of psychological tests made up of three instruments was developed: a projective test, a narrative test and a wishful test. A content validation process which included acceptance of the participating experts’ criteria was carried out, and Cronbach’s alpha: 0.7387, mean covariance: 0.0081, Kappa index: 0.250 and the approximate significance: 0.002 were calculated.
Conclusions: A battery of psychological tests was developed to identify risk of initiation into the systematic consumption of alcohol and other drugs by adolescents. Its content validity and reliability were verified based on its internal consistency. In the piloting carried out, the participating adolescents showed multiple risk factors, a high level of information on the risks of drug use and a predominance of motivations aimed at satisfying material needs.
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