2020, Number 6
In-service education in the subject of Orthodontics
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 234.88 Kb.
Introduction: in-service education is a type of organization of the teaching-learning process where the Marxist and Martian principle of combining study and work under the direction of the professor or tutor is basically applied. This type of organization of the teaching-learning process, and the evaluation system of the subject of Orthodontics, both work as a top gear, constituting a fundamental characteristic for the training of the student.Objective: to describe the organization of the teaching-learning process related to in-service education of the subject of Orthodontics in dentistry major, according to teaching hours and topics, along with its evaluation system.
Methods: literature searching in printed and digital texts together with the analysis and synthesis method.
Results: program-D of study of the subject of Orthodontics dedicates 72% of the total of teaching hours for in-service education to train students, linking theory with practice and it establishes an Evaluation System that efficiently controls the acquisition of skills and knowledge in an individual way in the students. With its application, the total number of students passed from 2014-2015 to 2017-2018 academic years, where the quality of the teaching-learning process improved.
Conclusions: in-service education is the organization of the main teaching activity in the program-D of study, established by La Habana School of Dentistry together with the schedule of activities and the card for the evaluation of skills. These documents regulate and control the teaching-learning process, guaranteeing a most favorable evaluation and training of the student.
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