2020, Number 5
Trans-disciplinary relationship into the work of the teaching staff in dentistry clinical area
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 571.55 Kb.
Introduction: the establishment of interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary relationship of in-service education of dentistry students constitutes a challenge for the pertinence and quality of work in the educational groups favoring the development of skills, an inherent characteristic of the clinical method, which is aimed at achieving a greater quality in the future performance of the graduates.Objective: to describe the most frequent errors and methodological actions of in-service education in dentistry studies based on the trans-disciplinary relationship, on the quality and relevance of the methodological work.
Methods: qualitative research, considering the insufficiencies of the clinical method and therapeutic procedures in the practical exercise of the state examination in 50 students from the academic course 2017-2018 in Pinar del Rio province. A review of the literature related to the problem was conducted, as well as the curricular design of Dentistry, basic characteristics of the guidelines for the methodological work of the teaching staff.
Results: the errors of the practical exams were: in questioning 36%, physical examination to detect oral cancer 20%, in the diagnosis of caries, periodontal diseases and malocclusions in 47%, in accomplishing the technical norms of the treatment 14%; 89% made errors in the ways of professional performance.
Conclusions: the transdisciplinary work of the clinical cycle adjusted to the objectives of the year will deepen on the didactics of the clinical method starting in the 3rdacademic year with the appropriation of problems to be solved by dentistry disciplines. In 4thacademic year, students will be able to automatized and develop other skills. Fifth academic year is the ideal context to apply knowledge along with the professional skills when the competencies in the state examination are assessed.
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