2020, Number 5
Validation of a clinical laboratory as a governing unit for an External Quality Control System
Language: Spanish
References: 14
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Introduction: External Quality Assessment is an essential component to maintain and improve the quality of clinical laboratories in health care institutions.Objective: to validate the clinical laboratory service at Dr. León Cuervo Rubio Provincial General Teaching Hospital in Pinar del Río as a governing unit for an External Quality Control System, at a provincial level.
Methods: a documentary, descriptive-longitudinal-retrospective research was carried out from secondary sources of information. The index of variation and the standard deviation (Z- Score) were used as quality variables; the first one for the assessment of historical performance (1985-1995), and the second one for international (2018) and provincial (2018-2019). The results were presented through measures of central propensity (mean and mean cut to 5%), position (percentile), and dispersion (inter-quartile amplitude).
Results: during 1985-1995, there was stability in the annual mean value, for an acceptable historical assessment. In the international assessment, it obtained an annual mean of Z-score = 0.788; below the 27th percentile. In the provincial performance, a mean cut to 5 % of the Z-score lower than the rest of the units and the smallest inter-quartile amplitude. With the exception of uric acid, the other determinations obtained were the assessment of Acceptable in the historical one, but in the international and provincial controls all the assessments were Satisfactory.
Conclusions: both historical and recent results of the external control for the clinical laboratory at Dr. León Cuervo Rubio Provincial General Teaching Hospital in Pinar del Río, validate it as a Governing Unit of the System of External Quality Control at provincial level.
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