2020, Number 4
Hearing rehabilitation and reading understanding: a challenge for deaf children with cochlear implants
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 210.75 Kb.
Introduction: children with severe and deep deafness demand a particular hearing and linguistic rehabilitation, from inclusive environments, allowing them to have access to all the sounds of the environment, including speech and the development of their communication skills for the understanding and expression of language.Objective: to assess the effectiveness of a notebook of activities aimed at hearing rehabilitation and reading understanding in deaf children with cochlear implants in Pinar del Río municipality.
Methods: a pedagogical study was carried out, using the analysis of contents, scientific observation, interview, descriptive statistics and the series of language exploration for the hearing impaired, in a sample of 5 deaf children with cochlear implant, 5 speech therapists and 6 primary school teachers, during 2017 to 2018.
Results: as a possible solution to the deficiencies the children presented in the process of hearing rehabilitation and reading understanding, a notebook of activities was created as a way to develop reading and concept of meanings, with a complete vision of the written Spanish language and multiple possibilities of application in the comprehensive speech therapy care.
Conclusions: the use of the notebook of activities proved its theoretical, methodological and practical values, confirming higher levels in the development of hearing rehabilitation and reading understanding in deaf children with cochlear implant in Pinar del Río municipality.
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