2020, Number 4
Prevention of sexual behaviors of risk in adolescents from Consolacion del Sur municipality, Pinar del Rio province
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 385.94 Kb.
Introduction: the prevention of sexual behaviors of risk in adolescents is a way to develop healthy and responsible behaviors in relation to sexuality.Objective: to characterize the current state of prevention of the sexual behaviors of risk in adolescents belonging to No-9 medical office at “5 de Septiembre” polyclinic, Consolacion del Sur municipality.
Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted from January 2016 to June 2018. From a population of 135 adolescents, a sample of 40 of them was chosen from a non-probabilistic intentional sampling. Theoretical, empirical and statistical methods were applied.
Results: 80 of men revealed early initiation of sexual activity, where the motivation of its initiation was love, for a 96 %. The 83,3 of them said having a sexual partner under the influence of drug abuse, being the most common alcohol consumption. The 56 % of women had one sexual partner at intervals of more than six months, while 66,7 % of men had more than two partners in less than one month. of the men they had had more than two couples in less than one month. The condom was the most frequent method in men and in the girls the use of the birth-control pills prevailed in more than the half. Difficulties were evidenced in the identification of the healthy sexual behaviors and of risk.
Conclusions: in this group of adolescents difficulties regarding knowledge as well as in sexual behavior prevailed. Sexual behaviors of risk and low perception of risk concerning sexual and reproductive health were confirmed.
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