2020, Number 4
Prognostic factors of mortality rate in patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-13
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Introduction: spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is considered, among all strokes, the one having the most devastating effect, the estimated mortality rate per month ranges between 35 and 52 %.Objective: to determine the factors that influence 30-day mortality rate in patients with Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage.
Methods: a cross-sectional, analytical, observational study conducted at Dr. Carlos Juan Finlay Military Hospital over a period of 3 years (2017 to 2019). The target group comprised 75 patients. Demographic, clinical and tomographic variables were studied. Descriptive statistics was applied: absolute and relative frequency, arithmetic mean and standard deviation; along with inferential statistics: logistic regression using the Odds Ratio with a 95 % confidence interval, for a positive significance on p <0.05.
Results: the age group from 48 to 75 years prevailed with 45 patients (60 %), male sex 44 patients (58. 7%), and white race 33 (44 %). Hypertension predominated as the main antecedent in 61 patients (81. 3 %). Significantly positive results were obtained for ages over 80 (p = 0,001); the severe state according to Glasgow Coma Scale (p = 0,005); the presence of ventricular extension (p = 0,001) and treatment with oral anticoagulants (p = 0.023).
Conclusions: intracerebral hemorrhage is evidence for extensive mortality rates. People over 80 years old, treated with oral anticoagulants have a higher risk of death due to this entity. Ventricular extension and a low score on the Glasgow Coma Scale worsen the prognosis.
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