2020, Number 2
Strategy for the improvement of the subject Elements of Qualitative Health Research in the Nursing Major
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 237.58 Kb.
Introduction: medical education in the 21st century poses the need for a new teaching-learning process, based on the principles of excellence, quality and relevance. Therefore, this research proposes how to improve the teaching-learning process of the qualitative research so that it contributes to the performance of students in the Nursing major in accordance with the research function of the professional model.Objective: to develop a didactic strategy for the improvement of the teaching-learning process of qualitative research in order to contribute to the performance of students in the Nursing major in accordance with the research function of the professional model.
Methods: observation and documentary analysis as an empirical method. Descriptive statistics was applied as a statistical method.
Results: the results of the evaluation of the experts, as indicators that define the strategic actions considered in order to be implemented in the strategy proposed, which demonstrates the agreement of the criteria of the chosen experts with the reviewed authors, where a great importance is attributed to the role of the qualitative research as the tool for the construction of nursing as a discipline and social profession.
Conclusions: this strategy contributes to the improvement of the instructional, educational and developmental aspects of the teaching-learning process, and at the same time it allows the insertion of research skills into the professional performance.
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