2020, Number 2
Non-carious cervical injuries in adolescents in a health care area
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 280.30 Kb.
Introduction: Non-carious cervical lesions are pathological loss of tooth structure, which do not respond to a bacterial causal agent.Objective: to determine the frequency of cervical non-carious lesions belonging to the health area of Raúl Sánchez Rodríguez University Polyclinic from Pinar del Río municipality.
Methods: an observational, descriptive and cross-sectional research was carried out. The target group comprised 120 patients and the selection of the sample was carried out through a non-probabilistic sampling by criteria, it included 80 patients with the diagnosis of non-carious cervical injuries at Ormani Arenado Dentistry Clinic, from January to December 2018. Clinical histories were collected and the variables included were: age, sex, type of injury, tooth group, location and risk factors.
Results: the most represented age group was from 48 to 62 years old and female sex with 57,50 and 60 % respectively, the most frequent cervical lesion was abrasion with 47,50 %, there were 14 teeth affected at most by patients and 13 patients affected with 12 teeth with LCNC for 16,25 % predominated. The most compromised dental group was the premolars with 48,96 %, being the upper jaw the most affected with 75,00 %; traumatic brushing and bruxism outweighed with 70 and 60 % respectively.
Conclusions: This research showed results very similar to the search performed. traumatic brushing, bruxism constituted risk factors that most corresponded to the development of this lesion.
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