2021, Number 3
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Rev Elec Psic Izt 2021; 24 (3)
Becoming adolescent fathers: experiences and meanings
Manjarrez HEB, Sapién LJS, Córdoba BDI
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1070-1106
PDF size: 492.11 Kb.
The objective was to genealogically analyze the participation of men
in the production of a pregnancy during their adolescence,
considering their practices, learnings, experiences and meanings. Six
males participated: 3 resided in Mexico City and 3 in the conurbated
area. They were all involved in a pregnancy during their teenage
years. The data collection procedure was the semi-structured
interview. Categories were developed to classify the information. It
was found that the events and practices, in which the men
participated, had crucial experiences and learned important
meanings, were: friendship between peers, courtship, flirting,
declarations of love, formalization of being boyfriend and girlfriend,
increasingly close physical contact, increasing freedom to go
anywhere alone, making visits and walks with the girlfriend, sexual
initiation and the development of sexual expertise, gaining knowledge
about contraception, intermittent use of the condom as a preventive
means, knowledge about pregnancy test, diagnosis and symptoms,
and knowledge and practices of male roles, other than female ones,
related to family, school, work, courtship, sex, contraceptive care,
among others. It is concluded that to understand pregnancy, produced
by adolescent males, is to place it on the trajectory of life and in the
various contexts, social practices, and daily events that they
experience, mean and modify, to some extent, as intentional worlds.
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