2021, Number 6
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Med Int Mex 2021; 37 (6)
Altruism, empathy and medical professionalism
Escorcia-Reyes JR, López-Ortiz G
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1069-1074
PDF size: 223.24 Kb.
Altruistic tendencies and empathy, in most cases, are inherent in medical practice.
Health professionals show these behaviors when they seek the well-being of the patient
regardless of the personal cost they may suffer; the case of the provision of medical
services in the health crisis caused by SARS-CoV-2, despite the risks, is a clear example
of this. For decades there have been efforts to strengthen medical professionalism and
the importance of humanistic behaviors. This paper addresses implications of altruism,
empathy and professionalism in medical practice, key aspects in training of human
resources in health.
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