2020, Number 3
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2020; 11 (3)
Nursing procedures for the students in Medical training
Márquez FA, Suárez CA, Arteaga LMM, Varcárcel IN, Paneque GAN, Díaz PKB
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 98-105
PDF size: 772.73 Kb.
Introduction: the last years had a deep transformations socials, economics, and scientific technologist; that’s conferring a new value to the knowles. This situation exalts the responsibility to Superior Education like generating the scientific progress in the professional’s formation. In the integral formation of medical students, nursing procedures has a really necessity. The Medical education most shape a specialist more professional and with a very solid scientifically preparation.
Objective: to describe the nursing procedures in the integral formation of the students of Medicine.
Development: in the university, el curriculum is a proposition to the concrete social situation. It is important develop abilities and capacities in the students for learning with herself. Also is necessary fortifying the research in all students of medical sciences, in special Medicine.
Conclusion: the nursing have fourth dimensions, the first personal care, the second the family, thirsting the community and the ambient environ. Besides is important include fundamentals nursing procedures in the integral formation to the medical students.
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