2020, Number 3
Teleworking under covid-19 conditions. advantages, challenges and recommendations
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 59-63
PDF size: 202.43 Kb.
Teleworking is a flexible form of work organization that allows you to carry out the work activity without the physical presence of the worker in the work organization. It is based on business-worker communication relationships through computer and communication technologies. In the current pandemic conditions for COVID-19, in which the population is called to stay at home, a large number of Cuban workers have opted for this modality. This allows compliance with the measures aimed at preventing contagion and, at the same time, continuing to contribute with its labor contribution to the country's economy. Advantages, disadvantages and challenges are reported on the experiences of its implementation in the international context. A balance of these allows appreciating the benefits that its application has at a social, institutional and personal level. However, the recent incorporation of this type of work in Cuba requires the rupture of beliefs and myths in this regard, the modification of entrenched management models and work styles, as well as the creation of ideal working conditions for the performance of teleworking, which ensure the expected levels of efficiency, effectiveness and well-being at work. Some reflections and recommendations are offered in this regard.REFERENCES
Alonso R, Figueredo O, Sifonte YJ. Cubadebate. Garantías laborales y apuntes sobre la transportación en tiempos de COVID-19. [Internet] [acceso 12/05/2020]. 2020. Disponible en: http://www.cubadebate.cu/noticias/2020/05/11/garan tias-laborales-y-apuntes-sobre-la-transportacion-entiempos-de-covid-19-video/.
Muñoz DE, Pabó MV, Valencia BC. Comunicación organizacional en torno al teletrabajo. LuciérnagaComunicación. Facultad de Comunicación Audiovisual-Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadevid & Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación - Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí México. 2017 julio-diciembre; 9(18).