2020, Number S1
Use of mobile health in Cuba to fight COVID-19
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 1-17
PDF size: 788.85 Kb.
From March, 2020 when the first cases of COVID-19 appeared in Cuba, it was implemented an intersectoral work strategy that was conceived some months earlier and directed by the Ministry of Public Health, the Civil Defense System and the Government to contain the risk of contagion and spreading of the new coronavirus in the national territory; as well as to minimize the negative effects of a pandemic in the country. This strategy includes the strengthening of epidemiologic surveillance, the organization of medical care in healthcare facilities, the training of all the public health’s personnel for diagnosing and care of COVID-19 patients, and the protection of the personnel working with positive cases. For its compliance, there are implemented measures that entail, among other solutions, social distancing which implies when possible remote study and work. It is then when the information and communication technologies become essential for the implementation of these procedures which are linked to actions directly related with electronic health, in general, and particularly with mobile health. Thus, it is the aim of this article to show the experiences related to mobile health in the confrontation to COVID-19 in Cuba, because its use has turned into an ally to face the current sanitary contingency caused by this disease, while it helps in communication, education and health promotion’s processes with a positive impact while bringing to people’s daily life, in a truthful and appropriate way, all the information needed to protect their health.REFERENCES
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