2021, Number 12
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2021; 89 (12)
Pregnancy and delivery characteristics in northeastern Mexico and their correlation with neonatal neurological evaluation
Barrón-Garza F, Torres-Martínez M, Riquelme-Heras H, Alanís-Garza C, Medina-de la Cruz Y, Ramos-Rincón J, Marín-Rocha R, Alvarado-de la Cruz D
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 937-948
PDF size: 231.25 Kb.
Objective: To determine the characteristics of pregnancy and birth in public hospitals
in northeastern Mexico. Analyze the results of the neurological evaluation of newborns
Materials and Methods: Case series, ambispective, multicenter, randomized,
cross-sectional study conducted from 2017 to 2020 in three public hospitals in Nuevo
León, Mexico. The sample was recruited from randomly selected puerperium mothers
and newborns with Sheridan Perreira's Neo Neuro and Up assessment.
Results: Of 75,951 mothers in immediate puerperium, randomly assigned, 4,241
were studied. Eighty-seven percent were residents of Nuevo León and 12.7% were from
other states in northeastern Mexico. Thirty-nine.9% had prenatal care in the hospitals
where their children were born. Fifty-one percent were born by euthyroid delivery
and 27.4% by programmed cesarean section. Of the newborns, 9.6% were preterm.
The most frequent pre and perinatal characteristics were urinary tract infection and
prematurity. Abnormal neonatal neurological evaluation was observed in 12.02% of
the newborns. The risk factors for abnormal neurological evaluation at birth were birth
weight less than 2500 g, low weight for gestational age, emergency cesarean section
and head circumference less than 30 cm.
Conclusions: The characteristics of pregnant mothers in northeastern Mexico have
been little studied, almost a third of these mothers are adolescents with a significant
level of poverty. There is a significant relationship between some characteristics of
delivery related to an abnormal neurological evaluation of the newborn.
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