2020, Number 4
Ethics during COVID-19 times
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 369.00 Kb.
Ethics, in life and in the destinies of humanity, occupies a significant place and it is where it should be located. In any kind of crisis times, especially in health ones, it invades all the scenarios and among them stand out the decision-making one, its consequences and the manifestations in the life of societies. That is why this article aims to identify crucial moments of the confrontation to a health crisis in which ethical dilemmas proliferate. The current epidemic situation makes it clearer to see other evils that already afflict the world and the need to confront them. In this context, diverse and contraposed moral values appear. Contributing to the prevalence of dignity, justice, solidarity and responsibility to face selfishness, disabilities and individualisms is an imperative for the forces and individuals who intend to live in a more just and dignified society. To take on this challenge and find a new critical perspective, social movements have to resort to ethics as a powerful instrument of invigorating mobilization.REFERENCES
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