2020, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2020; 46 (4)
Capacities for research in health policies and systems in nursing
Martínez TN
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 570.83 Kb.
Conducting research on health policies and systems by nursing professionals requires the definition of capacities in three levels of action.
Describe capacities to be developed, at all three levels of action, for conducting research in health policies and systems by nursing professionals.
A descriptive study was carried out in the period 2017-2019. A questionnaire was designed and validated for the collection of information. 22 Cuban and international experts linked to the development of research in health policies and systems were consulted. The variables called individual, institutional and national capacities were explored. The results are presented in absolute frequencies and percentages through tables.
27 capacities were identified: 12 individuals, nine institutional and six national. The first ones include knowledge of theoretical benchmarks and negotiation for the application of results. The second ones are related to the identification of priority lines and themes, as well as the appointment of a professional who mediates in their management. In the case of the third ones, the need to define a strategic projection that includes the use of their results was identified.
Conducting research in health policies and systems by nursing professionals requires the integration of capacities at three levels: individual, institutional and national, as long as it allows the sustainability of actions in a professional group whose practical and theoretical references are not linked to this type of study. The identified capacities are an initial proposal that can contribute to their monitoring and actions measurement, at each level, in an individual and integrated way.
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