2020, Number 4
Gaps in the care of hypertensive people in ''Julio Antonio Mella'' Polyclinic, Guanabacoa (2016-2017)
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 1-32
PDF size: 2162.54 Kb.
Introduction: To achieve the control of high blood pressure requires the monitoring of its risk factors, the comprehensive management of the disease and the elimination of gaps that hamper the quality of the care process.Objective: Identify the main gaps that affect the care process of hypertensive people in a health area of Guanabacoa municipality during the period 2016-2017.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive research was conducted, and a two-stage conglomerate sampling was applied. In a first stage of the 41 family doctor´s offices, 10 were selected, and of these families were randomly selected, with the sample being made up of 1458 families. 2297 people over 35 years old were interviewed.
Results: 42.5% of the interviewees had a history of high blood pressure, 3.0% were suspected hypertensives, in 54.5% no evidence was found. There were difficulties with the care of these people, given by organizational problems, system functioning and individual behavior. The main gaps were access (36.3%), follow-up (28.5%) and control (17.5%). 97.6% had an indicated drug treatment and 28% of those not controlled at the time of blood pressure measurement were not attached.
Conclusions: Gaps related to access to health, diagnostic, follow-up, treatment and control services for hypertensive in which the common element is care´s non-seeking have an impact on the quality of care.
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